Configuration ------------- Henet uses a configuration file. Example with inline comments:: [henet] # host and port to run Henet host = localhost port = 8080 debug = True # cache for rst parsing and rendering cache_dir = /tmp/henet # blog categories # by convention, one dir == one article category categories = actus resultats foulees pages # urls info from pelican we need to link to the published # pages site_url = article_url = posts/{date:%Y}/{date:%m}/{date:%d}/{slug}/ # the location of the comments files comments_dir = /Users/tarek/Dev/ # each category has an id (the section name), a title and a directory [actus] title = Actualités path = /Users/tarek/Dev/ [resultats] title = Résultats path = /Users/tarek/Dev/ [foulees] title = Foulées path = /Users/tarek/Dev/ [pages] title = Pages statiques path = /Users/tarek/Dev/ # with this flag, you can't add article in that category can_create = False